
2024-07-23 17:27:35

As part of our team's intensive preparations for the upcoming season, Muaither Sports Club announces the signing of the trio Abdul Aziz Adel, Moaz Al-Salmi and goalkeeper Mohammed Al-Jundi, to strengthen the team's ranks for the new football season. These contracts come within the club's board of directors' efforts to strengthen the team with new players who possess the skills and experience to defend the club's colors and return to the first division league. For its part, the club's board of directors confirmed that these contracts come within a comprehensive plan aimed at improving the team's performance and providing a level befitting the aspirations of the fans and the club, as well as ensuring the team's full readiness to enter the next season and achieve the club's goals of returning to the first division league. It is worth noting that our team has signed in the past few days with the English professional Niall Mason and the Argentine Mariano Vazquez.

2024-07-23 17:16:50

Muaither Sports Club announces the completion of the procedures for contracting with the Argentine professional Mariano Vazquez, coming from the Saudi Al-Khulud Club, in order to strengthen the team's ranks in preparation for the next season. This contract comes in light of the club's board of directors' efforts to strengthen the team's ranks with new players capable of making a difference, achieving Kahilan's ambitions, and achieving the goal of returning to the first division league again. It is worth noting that our team recently contracted with the English defender and professional Niall Mason in a free transfer deal.

2024-07-10 20:54:04

Yesterday evening, Wednesday, at the headquarters of the Muaither Sports Club, the Ordinary General Assembly was held in the presence of Dr. Saleh bin Ali Al-Aji, President of the Club, Dr. Saleh Al-Yazidi, Vice President, Dr. Mahmoud Al-Mahmoud, Executive General Manager of the Club, the representative of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, and many club members and fans, where the General Assembly of the Muaither Club approved a win list. Dr. Saleh bin Ali Al-Aji was appointed president of the club for a new term, and Dr. Saleh Al-Yazidi was appointed vice president for the next four years until 2028, by acclamation. For his part, Dr. Saleh bin Ali Al-Ajji, President of the Club, welcomed the members of the General Assembly and their keenness to attend the meeting, asking God Almighty for success in serving the club and achieving the development strategy in the coming years to achieve continuity and advancement in Muaither Club. The club president added: For years, we have been in continuous development in the sports field, and this is due to the support of our wise leadership under the leadership of His Highness the Emir of the country, our wise government, the directions and support of sports leaders, and the care and support of the Ministry of Sports and Youth for the field of sports and athletes in the country, indicating that the Board of Directors seeks to achieve ambitions. “And the aspirations of the members of the General Assembly, the club’s fans and its members, and achieving the primary goal, which is to return to the Stars League next season under the leadership of national coach Nabil Anwar.” It is worth noting that the General Assembly discussed many important files, most notably the harvest of the ending season and how to work to return the club to the first division league. The items on the agenda were also discussed during the General Assembly, the minutes of the previous meeting were approved, and the club president’s report on the work of the ending year was discussed. Programs and work plans for the coming year. The final accounts for the fiscal year 2023-2024 ending on May 31, 2024 were also approved, and the draft budget for the fiscal year 2024-2025 was approved.

2024-07-03 18:26:31

Muaither Sports Club announces the signing of English defender Niall Mason, coming from Al Shahaniya Sports Club. The contracts were signed this evening at the club's headquarters in the presence of Captain Ali Salah Al Yazidi, Vice President of the Football Department, who welcomed the player and wished him success with the team and that he would be a distinguished addition to the Kahilan fortress next season. For his part, the player expressed his happiness at joining the ranks of Muaither Club and taking on a new challenge in his sports career, adding his determination to make every effort to provide the best performances with the team during the current football season, and to work on Kahilan's return to the senior league.

2024-06-09 17:56:22

Muaither Sports Club Invitation to attend the "regular" General Assembly meeting The management of Muaither Sports Club is pleased to invite the honorable members to attend the "regular" General Assembly meeting of the club at exactly seven o'clock (07:00) in the evening on Wednesday, 07/10/2024, at the headquarters of Muaither Sports Club, to discuss the following topics included in the agenda:- 1. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting held on 08/23/2023. 2. Discussion of the President's report on the club's work in the year ending on 05/31/2024 and the programs and work plan for the new year. 3. Approval of the final account for the fiscal year (2023/2024) ending on 05/31/2024 AD, and approval of the draft budget for the next year (2024/2025 AD). 4. Discussion of the auditor's report, appointment of the auditor, and estimation of his fees for a period of one year. 5. Election of the club's president and vice president for the 2024/2028 electoral cycle. 6. Formation of the Membership and Elections Affairs Committee. 7. Consideration of issues proposed by members, provided that they are submitted at least ten days before the General Assembly meeting or that the club president deems appropriate to be presented to the General Assembly. Notes: 1. Members who have the right to attend the General Assembly meeting are the founding members, active members who have paid the annual subscription fee and whose active membership has been at least six months until the date of the club's General Assembly meeting. 2. Nominations for the club's management elections for the (2024-2028) cycle will be open at the club during the period from Saturday 05/25/2024 until the end of the club's official working hours on Monday 06/03/2024. 3. Members must pay the annual membership subscription fees, noting that the last date for payment to attend the aforementioned General Assembly meeting is the end of the club's official working hours on Wednesday 07/03/2024. 4. Signing the attendance lists begins one hour before the meeting, and it is not permissible to delegate attendance to the meeting with the presentation of the personal card or membership card. 5. The member has the right to receive a copy of the documents related to the agenda and its attachments from the club secretariat starting from Sunday 06/26/2024 AD. 6. The "regular" general assembly meeting is valid with the attendance of the absolute majority (50% + 1) of the members who have the right to attend. If the number is not completed on the specified date, the meeting will be postponed to another date to be held on Wednesday 07/17/2024 AD at seven in the evening. The second meeting will be valid with the attendance of a quarter of the number of members who have the right to attend. If the quorum is not completed, the meeting will be postponed within a period not exceeding one hour from the time of the second meeting, and this meeting will be valid with the attendance of any number of members who have the right to attend. And Allah is the Grantor of success,,,,, Muaither Sports Club Management

2024-06-06 06:25:52

Muaither Sports Club held a special honoring ceremony for the coaches and teams of the club’s age group sector, on the occasion of the end of the 2023/24 sports season, during which the Kahilan stars achieved distinguished results that reflected and demonstrated the great performance and effort made by everyone throughout the past season. The ceremony witnessed the presence of the club’s president, Dr. Saleh bin Ali Al-Aji, the club’s Sunni sector management, and many of the players’ parents. The ceremony was held in the meeting room at the club headquarters, during which the Cubs team under 15 years old was honored on the occasion of obtaining first place in the second division league, and the junior team under 17 years old on the occasion of obtaining third place and the bronze medal, in addition to honoring the promising team under 13 years old on the occasion of obtaining Also won third place and a bronze medal in the second division league. For his part, the club president, Dr. Saleh bin Ali Al-Ajji, addressed a motivational speech to the players regarding the necessity of continuing in the same approach and achieving championships and achievements, as well as extending all thanks to the administrators of Kahilan and the Sunni category sector for the great effort they made throughout the season in order to achieve the best results and always place Kahilan on the podiums. Wishing them continued success.